A beautiful gift – Zeiss Ikon Contina IIa & Efke KB 50


For a photography addict and of course, G.A.S. sick,  receiving the gift of  a camera surely gives a special pleasure. And when this is another little gem from Zeiss, as Contina IIa, the satisfaction is even bigger. Of course I loaded “her” immediately with a Efke KB 50 and started my test.

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The Christmas post: Zeiss Ikon Contessamat SBE & Adox CHS II


In this Christmas post I want to begin by thanking the thousands of readers who have been kind enough to follow my blog. Being able to reach and share my experiences with people of every continent is to me, a source of pleasure and pride. Personally, I learned (and still do) a lot from the many blogs on the web about analogue photography. I could see countless photos, evaluate the results of many different pairs of cameras / lenses / films / developments and get an idea before i can do it myself. Sharing is caring … is an important concept, and I wanted to give the humble contribution of my experiences, sure it could be (sooner or later) useful to someone in the world. The results achieved in such a short time (less than 9 months) confirm and encourage me to continue on this path.

This time, the subject of my post is the Zeiss Ikon Contessamat SBE loaded with  Adox CHS II ISO 100, from which the film was practically … perfect!

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A Busy Sunday

Nettar 515_Fp4Plus_011

It has been a busy Sunday the last one. With much satisfactions but also some minor problems. I went with my youngest son to visit a natural reserve and since I had decided to “travel” light, I had with me only the small Zeiss Ikon Nettar 515 (Click on the link to see more about it), the Pentax Spotmeter III, two filters and just a couple of film rolls. The first one I used, after more than thirty years (in fact I had already used it another time, but was lab-developed) was Ilford FP4 +, while the second was the Ilford HP5 + (and this, really , for the first time).

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Zeiss Ikon Nettar 515 Test

Zeiss Nettar 515_01

She’s really small, almost looks like a toy. She fits in the pocket of a jacket and you almost do not notice but when you load the film, you put into the same 120 rolls of any other medium format camera and then you realize that you can take “serious” pictures with this one too. I’m talking about the Zeiss Ikon Nettar 515, a 6 x 4.5 cm folding camera which at the time belonged to Zeiss economic production line. I bought one for a few euros and couldn’t wait to test on field.

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